My magnum opus, in which I took the Five Books of Moses —
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy —
and translated it all line by line into rhyming couplets. It's now available as an eBook (RisingPun Productions, 2021), for just $5. If you ever wanted to have the entire Torah/Pentateuch in rhymed couplets on your phone so you could instantly call up any chapter, you're in luck.

During the pandemic, I wrote some poetry, and have gathered my favorite pieces in this collection I've named The Disapproval Of My Toaster (Cyberwit, 2021). These are poems that speak to the human condition, alternately pessimistic and hopeful, ridiculous and thoughtful, covering all topics from spiders to food to love. You may purchase it through Amazon , or directly through, with whom I have arranged to donate 50% of all profits to COVID relief in India where they are located. |
Whether you want the history and origins of Mahjong, comprehensive rules for both International and American Mahjong, in-depth strategies for International and American Mahjong, or even variants played around the world and advice for finding a game, you need look no further than The Little Book of Mahjong (Simon&Schuster, 2018). It's everything you need to know about Mahjong but were afraid to ask.

It may sound like the title of a horror novel, but It Happened In Rhode Island (Globe Pequot, 2012) is a collection of Rhode Island's historical events, from the founding of the state to the sewing of the World's Biggest Sock. The book contains some "traditional history" like the Burning of the Gaspee, as well as more modern "historical" events like the moment when Bob Dylan first put down the acoustic guitar in favor of the electric guitar. And of course, no book about Rhode Island would be complete without some stories of ridiculous RI politicians.
The Five Books of Moses, every single line of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, all translated into rhyming couplets. That's my magnum opus From God To Verse (RisingPun Productions, 2010) This is a full translation with nothing left out, not even a single name from the endless genealogies and begats. What I have done is made the language more accessible, added parenthetical explanations in some places, and put in short chapter summaries. Oh, and made the whole thing rhyme. That was the hard part.
Given how small Rhode Island is, it's amazing how much stuff is packed in there. Rhode Island Curiosities (Globe Pequot, 2007) has a few things everyone knows about, like Waterfire and the Big Blue Bug. But there's also cool events, fascinating people, and even a secret museum. This book could entertain anyone, but naturally it will be of most interest to those who have Rhode Island in their timeline, whether in the past, present, or future -- what other state lets you see so many cool things in a single day trip? Rhode Island is awesome, and my book will help remind you why. |
My first (and only!) novel Shards (RisingPun Productions, 2005) was written as part of National Novel Writing Month. It is the story of a man who runs from comedy club to graveyard trying to make sense of the world. It is currently available for purchase only on (by clicking on the cover photo).

My first book, Think You're The Only One? (Barnes&Noble, 2004), is a collection of short profiles on over five dozen of the world's most bizarre groups, ranging from organizations of procrastinators and pessimists, to competitors in sports ranging from cheese racing to rock paper scissors, to men proud of their award-winning beards, to women against peeing while standing up. This bizarre little book is, frankly, the perfect bathroom book.