Various Happenstances of Seth

June 58, 2007

    My plans have a way of coming unravelled. I planned to update this blog every month. But woof, I guess I was barking up the wrong tree, and had a warped sense of time. It didn't help that I got a new computer. Which is odd, because generally, the whole point of getting a new computer is to help you do things that require a computer. Unfortunately, I neglected to grab some things from my old computer, such as Dreamweaver*.

    This wasn't going to be any skein off my teeth, because after years of hand-coding this blog, I was going to install some fancy new blogging client, possibly Wordpress or Typepad or some such. That being the case, I wouldn't need to see the results of my code to pick knits before I uploaded it, because it would just work.**

    Anyway, my plans ran into a snag, and I'm still hand-coding the blog, only now also without Dreamweaver to see what I'm doing. I know I'll have to tangle with those blogging programs eventually, but I can't deal with it today.

    No doubt when I do, I'll have another yarn to tell you.


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    *And roughly 80 billion games of all sorts, from old Nintendo nonsense to freeware downloads to demos. But the two greatest joys of computers are deleting old files, and acquiring new ones. I know, it seems contradictory, yet it's totally true.

    **Something everyone should realize after using computers for any length of time is that things never "just work". Whether it's at home, or at work, computer failures (both software and hardware) will constantly impede your progress on whatever needs to be done.

   All work on these pages is copyright Seth Brown. If you are sharing it, please give attribution. If you want to reprint it, please contact me first.