Various Happenstances of Seth
October 31, 2006
Sometimes I feel introspective,
and I have the temptation to share that in a blog post. The problem
is that in spite of my familiarity with keyboards, my thought moves
much faster than I can type. Or perhaps it's that I haven't really
bothered with thought, but I've just been inkling.*
Vague concepts and ideas float around in my head, but they jump
much faster than I can type, or even formulate into coherencies.
And really, why bother? Since it's Halloween, I could say something
about the masks we all wear, but that's hardly profound.** Anyway,
I wore a costume today, but need to go shave it off shortly.
Other times there's a temptation
to just complain. The problem with complaints is that they are rarely
legitimate and interesting. If I complain about my Halloween column
not being in the paper, it's too petty a thing. (Besides, I learned
recently that it was in the print edition, just not online.) If
I complain about my health, it's not interesting. If I complain
about the aliens from Nebulax 7 controlling my mind, it's simply
not true.
And there are times I blog just
to write down a random thought so I don't forget it. This can be
a bad pun (Woman to Mind Flayer: "Let'th have an illithid
affair.") or an idea for something to expand upon later:
I've been doing mostly improvised poems at the poetry slam, but
was thinking one of these days I'll try writing one. Possible themes
include Poem With Four or Homage to Reverend Spooner.
Inevitably, however, I just end
up blogging about blogging. Because the Internet is a vast source
of information about the Internet.*** And in this case, I'll admit,
I'm just typing whatever comes to mind because October is ending.
But even that admission is metablogging. I'll let you intuit the
metablogging pun for yourself.
*I forget who, but someone (perhaps a philosophy
professor?) once told me that if you couldn't form it into coherent
sentences, it wasn't a full thought. Fleeting brain concepts which
failed to meet thought criteria are better referred to as inklings,
and I like to use inkle as a verb.
**Although interestingly, it does confound
me from time to time.
***That is to say, it's not a dumptruck. In fact, there are those who would call it a series of tubes...
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