ABC: Always Be Comedying
This week is our annual Alphabetic Boardgaming Challenge, so I’ve been playing a lot of games ranging from A to Z.* 11 years in, I realize not for the first time what a glorious and yet simple thing it is to spend time doing what you enjoy, with people whose company you enjoy. Sure, for a writer that often means sitting alone and writing about how I hate throwing things out, but that’s valuable too.
This Friday I’m doing a benefit comedy show to raise money for the local teen center, where I’ll be giving a dramatic reading of a few of my columns in addition to doing some stand-up. This is a rarity for me, and promises to be a good time.** So if you’re local and have no Friday plans, come enjoy yourself for a good cause!***
*Or technically A to X so far — Yspahan and Zepter von Zavandor** still to come tomorrow.
**At least for me. Whether the audience enjoys it is anyone’s guess.
***Although as I’ve tried to explain above, enjoying yourself is a good cause too.
Tags: technicians, traditions, wacky expeditions