Various Happenstances of Seth
Old pages (Pre-March 2005) are still
on my old WSO site, and I'll point to a few of them below, but the
new blog is here, and has an update for every month. Eventually.
- July 29, 2007: Late
- June 58, 2007: Unwound
- May 15, 2007: Five Stages of Good Grief
- April 10, 2007: Consolation Pies
- February 27, 2007: I'm Back.
- November 12, 2006: Yarrrrr! Homecoming Pirates!
- October 31, 2006: Hallow's Eve
- September 42, 2006: Seafood Surprise
- August 71, 2006: Time Warp
- July 31, 2006: Can You Float Alone?
- June 28, 2006: Ham-STAR in the House
- May 24, 2006: Weakly, Weekly
- April 30, 2006: April Come and Gone
- March 5, 2006: Roll with the Punches
- February 14, 2006: Unhappy Valentine's Day
- January 29, 2006: Shop 'Til I Drop
- January 23, 2006: Stop. Hammer Time!
- January 10, 2006: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
- December 12, 2005: How Low Can You Go?
- November 22, 2005: Procrastinate Good Times, Come On!
- November 13, 2005: Harry Potter and the Happy Homecoming
- October 28, 2005: Great Moments In Culinary History
- October 6, 2005: Lobster!
- September 8, 2005: Like Owner, Like Computer
- August 26, 2005: Piano Man
- August 1, 2005: I Hate To Bring This Up...
- July 21, 2005: Litter Airily
- June 28, 2005: Variety is the Spice of Food
- June 7, 2005: Captain Forgetful Rides Again
- May 16, 2005: Green Eggs And Spam
- May 4, 2005: Not So Fast There, Johnson
- May 2, 2005: May Day! May Day!
- April 23, 2005: The Glory of Book Sales
- March 28, 2005: Burnted Potatoes
Now, eventually, there will be more
entries there. However, in the meantime you're welcome to look at
the ghosts of blog past. The WSO blog ran for a few years, and while
you're welcome to paw through it all in order if you like, I'd just
like to point out a few posts I think are most notable: It all began
with an
email forward. Like anyone, I have my ups
and downs. These ups and downs often come with food; Ups would
be foods like cheese
and cookies,
while downs would be cooking errors with hot
sauce or crawfish.
I wrote the occasional satire
article before finally making my
last WSO blog post in February 2005.
All work on these pages is copyright Seth Brown.
If you are sharing it, please give attribution. If you want to reprint
it, please contact me first.