If you’re in a rush, I think the post title pretty much obviates everything I have to say here, but then again people in a rush aren’t really reading this blog to begin with. Anyway, as you may be aware, two decades ago in 2001 I started rewriting the entire Torah/Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) line-by-line in rhyming couplets. Interrupted by life, jobs, lack of motivation, and a couple other books, I finally released From God To Verse in 2010, in print form.
It was, and still is, my magnum opus: a complete line-by-line rhyming version of the entire Torah, including short rhymed chapter summaries in addition to the full text. To kick off the Jewish New Year, two decades after I started writing it, I am finally releasing From God To Verse in eBook format.

I have spared no expense* in making this the best possible, most accessible version of “From God To Verse”. There’s a hyperlinked Table of Contents allowing you to just click on the passage you want to look up, and it’ll immediately take you to e.g. Genesis 31 or whatever part you want to read if you’re doing a Torah study or Bible study and want to jump to a certain chapter. Also in the interest of making it as accessible to everyone as possible, it’s 80% cheaper than the print version, so the eBook will be available for only $5.** That’s $5 for a completely rhymed Five Books of Moses, which is like a buck a book***.
It is my sincere hope that this new eBook version which makes From God To Verse both pocket-sized and pocket-priced allows more people to appreciate it. So if you know anyone who might appreciate it — a rabbi, a pastor, a friend, your entire church or synagogue, etc. — Then *I* would certainly greatly appreciate it if you shared news of this new eBook with them.
Bidding Shanah Tovah (a good year) to all!
* I hired a copyeditor, and someone to format it all for ebook to make sure all the pages line up right and the Table of Contents is all hyperlinked to every single chapter. I even hired one more person, who I’ll tell you about in a future post in a few weeks. Frankly, I’m beginning to wonder if I should have spared some expense, since given the low price, I am going to have to sell some hundreds of copies just to break even on financial outlay, let alone receiving any recompense for my time and effort.
** And I mean actually $5. I’m sure that I’m losing out on algorithm points by pricing things at whole dollar amounts instead of $4.99, but it always seems like such a gimmick designed to fool people’s brains. I realize it’s a gimmick that works, but I’m trying to be honest and straightforward about things, and thus, $5. This attitude is one of the reasons I will probably never be a huge commercial success.
*** [William Tell Overture] Buck-a-book, buck-a-book, buck-a-book book book, Buck-a-book, buck-a-book, buck-a-book book book, Buck-a-book, buck-a-book, buck-a-book book book, Buck-a-book… a-buck-a-book book book [/William Tell Overture]