Posts Tagged ‘Baba Is You’

Spam, Eggs, Sausage, and Spam

Thursday, March 10th, 2022

For the past month, I’ve been besieged by an absolute torrent of spam comments. Over a thousand, easily, although I haven’t exactly been counting. But the upshot is, since I no longer have the brainpower to pore over every single comment, I’m just deleting comments in droves, so if you’ve commented on this blog in the past month and you are an actual human person annoyed that your comment never showed up, feel free to drop me an email. It’s nothing personal, it’s just bad timing.

I guess I’d have to describe the spam as a Minor Headache. Certainly not on my list of top 20 things wrong at the moment, and as 2022 has continued giving in its 2022 manner, I am trying to take my victories where I can find them. For example, I finally got around to starting up my bi-weekly newsletter, which you can subscribe to in this form which I should really put somewhere more permanent on the site:

powered by TinyLetter

Meanwhile, I’ll just put it in my posts with no rhyme or reason. Well, I guess technically me being me, I’ve always got rhyme.*

Not much boardgaming these days, but videogame-wise in addition to continuing in Genshin Impact, I’ve recently started the delightful puzzle game Baba Is You, and it really requires some lateral thinking. I’m always a couple years late to these things because I want them on sale, but single-player games don’t go bad, and I’d still recommend it to people who want to experience cleverness.**




* Well, most of the time. It isn’t a crime. Go suck on a lime.

** Which I hope describes most people reading my blog. I’d feel a bit put out if someone was like, “Oh no, I hate cleverness, that’s why I read Seth’s writing!”